Monday 7 October 2013


In a late but defiant response Several Kenyan Bloggers have responded to threats of imprisonment by ICC judge Eboe Osuji. Judge Osuji had issued a statement warning Kenyans, Journalist and Bloggers that those found to be exposing ICC prosecution witnesses would be dealt with by the court.  
The bloggers say that they are not scared of ICC and some went as far as to say they did not recognize the International Court. The statements issued via different political platforms on social media and Blogs, seemed to reek of vile disdain for the court ,
"How can I be in Contempt of a court that I do not even recognize in the first place" said one of the bloggers when we contacted him on his phone
 "We will work towards the exposure of all the witnesses in the Kenyan case , Kenyans need to know who these people are so that we can gauge for ourselves if the testimonies they are giving are indeed valid". He further said that ICC is far away from from Kenya and none of its officers were on the ground when the actual violence happened  therefore they could not be trusted to offer Justice to Kenyans since eeverything they had was based on Hearsay

"I for one I am strongly persuaded  that the Kenyan cases are politically motivated, they were cooked up so as to favour some people political lives" said the blogger who is also a city based lawyer.
 This comes on the same day the second ICC Witness took a stand against Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto 

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