Friday 4 October 2013


ICC Mole Ken Wafula emails were recently hacked by unknown people and the Juicy pieces leaked to social Media, Mr. Wafula is alleged to be heavily involved in  coaching and bribing witnesess to testify against President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto at the I.C.C. Hague with the help of I.C.C. Prosecution
 Ken Wafula who is a close associate of Maina Kiai not so long ago claimed that his life is in danger, 




The Kenya Coalition for the ICC is a group of human rights NGOs and grassroots organizations in Kenya working around issues touching on the operations of ICC in Kenya.

Our attention has been drawn to the exchanges and counter accusations between the ICC Chief Prosecutor Bensouda and the Kenyan government through Attorney General Githu Muigai.

We wish to state as follows:-

1. Kenya as a States Party to the Rome Statute has an obligation to fully cooperate with ICC especially the Chief prosecutor. This is provided for under Article 86 and 87 of the Rome Statute.

2. The Kenyan government is not sincere on this issue of non cooperation. There is every indication in the country that the state is working hard to frustrate the ICC proceedings and undermine the pursuit of justice for the victims of post election violence.

3. There is a climate of fear and intimidation of victims, potential witnesses and human rights defenders perceived as pillars of the ongoing Hague cases. Witnesses have also reported to us how they are being approached through agents with offers of bribes to withdraw their testimonies.

4. The state through various state and political agencies are frantically trying to politicize the ICC cases in order to cloud the charges and the real issues under litigation at the ICC.

In the foregoing, we wish to advise as follows:

(i) The Kenyan government should cooperate fully with the court and the chief prosecutor on the matter ICC. Of more import is for the government to-:

(a) Allow the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) access to regional security and provincial administration bosses who were in charge of various counties during PEV for grilling and interview.

(b) Provide the bank and financial statements of the accused persons to the court. This will help among other purposes; establish whether there were suspicious transactions on the account during the PEV.

(c) Provide the court and the chief prosecutor with all the minutes and reports of the National Security Intelligence Services (NSIS) and the National Security Advisory Council relating to the post election as requested by the court.

(d) The government should stop unholy practice of selective cooperation and act in full compliance with its obligation under the statute to ensure full, effective and meaningful cooperation which will enable the Chamber to access evidence that may assist in adjudicating the Kenya cases.

(ii) If the ICC Prosecutor reports Kenya to the UN Security council, then the country will have jeopardized its current campaign to be elected as a non-permanent member of the council.


Ken Wafula


Kenya Coalition for the ICC

Top of Form


Last week Deputy President (DP) William Ruto told the International Criminal Court (ICC) that the case he is facing at the Hague was a “syndicate of lies” and a concoction by those opposed to justice and truth.
The DP had earlier, during the confirmation of charges told the Pre-Trial Chamber that the accusations and events linking him to the post election violence could only be possible in a movie.
This line of argument has been pursued vigorously by the accused persons in case one and become a narrative whose objective is to subvert the truth and create a different line of belief.
It is a fact that post election violence took place in Kenya after the 2007 general elections. It is a fact, too,t hat more than 1000 innocent people lost their lives and close to 600 000 others displaced. It is also a fact that the Kenyan government failed to establish a local tribunal to address the matter with none other than the DP telling all and sundry that it could take 99 years before the wheels of international criminal justice comes full circle.
It therefore appears that the ICC accused persons are keen students of Josef Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda chief who while justifying Adolf Hitler’s emerging madness against the Jews in Germany. Said that a “lie repeated many times becomes a truth” in reference to the populist allegations then that Jews were the breeders of problems afflicting the German Reich.
First, I want to state that no witness was ever coached. The evidence presented at different levels of the PEV investigations were done by the witnesses voluntarily as a civic obligation to help the country get justice. At that early stage no one knew about ICC.
I have been accused together with Maina Kiai, Senator Hassan Omar and a few others as being the said coaches of the ICC witnesses. Nothing can be further from the truth.
In March 2008, when the embers of the ethnic violence were receding, several individuals from the North Rift approached a senior government official in the office of the President to assist them record statements over what they had witnessed during the chaos.
With his intervention, the witness recorded their reports at the Rift Valley Provincial CID headquarters in Nakuru, then under the stewardship of Mohamed Amin.
Most of them were to later record statements with the Kenya National Commission of Human Rights (KNCHR), Waki Commission and the ICC in that order. When you read all these statements, you realize that the witnesses knew or were sufficiently conscious of what they were reporting. The contents in these statements are similar.
So, to allege that there was witness coaching is to tell a white lie. At what point were they coached? Is it When they first appeared before the then PS for Internal Security or when they recorded their statements with the then Rift Valley PCIO? Is it when they appeared before KNCHR? Or when they appeared before the Waki Commission? NO. Not at KNCHR nor Waki because the contents of the statements by the witnesses to KNCHR and Waki are similar in sequence and meaning with the ones recorded by the Rift Valley PCIO. Did ICC coach them? No. ICC relied on KNCHR, Waki Commission and the Rift Valley PCIO office reports to get the witnesses. Their statements to ICC are replicas of those recorded by the PCIO in March 2008.
It is true there have been some witnesses who have fallen out along the way. But unknown to Kenyans is the fact that some of the witnesses were removed from witness list because it was discovered that they were either government spies or members of NSIS (one was a licensed firearm carrier) and therefore a threat to the security of the other witnesses. Others have dropped because of intimidation and threats while others especially for case two have been out rightly murdered. Yet some have been bribed or promised an assortment of goodies if they recanted their earlier testimonies.
Some of the recent witnesses who have sworn affidavits to recant their statements have done so after they were removed from witness list due to gross misconduct and engaging in acts unbecoming of persons under protection.
No witness was ever coached. For the DP to cry foul and claim repeatedly that the charges before the ICC are a heap of lies is to exceed the limits of the mantra by Josef Goebbels, himself a one- time war crimes indictee at the Nuremberg.
The writer works with the Centre for Human Rights & Democracy in Eldoret



BOX 1996


There has been threats and acts of intimidation on me in relation to on going ICC cases at the Hague. Ranging from strange persons hovering around my residence,strange calls, and an email sent to my address by one Kreg Jito last week and now Mr Kutuny's direct phone call threat yesterday june 11 2013.

Kutuny had on saturday june 8 2013 called the standard in Eldoret to allege falsely that i was recruiting fresh victims. The standard called me for reaction and clarification. They also sought comments from ICCs Maria Kamara.

Last month, the day when Ruto was going to the Hague, an MP from Eldoret called me. I didnt have his number but on introduction he told me that he will take me to Ruto and ensure that if the two of us engage in fists then he could separater us.

In his phone threats, Kutuny said he will ensure that i leave Eldoret this time round or else I will sleep and never wake up again. He said that I will know that hii serikali ni yetu. Kutuny is one of the newly appointed advisors tto the Kenyan presidency.

His threats confirms reports from Ruto,s close associates who have been accusing me of allegedly fixing him on the ICC issues. This intensified when the Prosecution introduced more new witnesses last mponth. According to Ruto and his people Iam supposed to be the source of these wiotnesses.

Two weeks ago, in Nairobi i bumped into one Bosire a close associate of the estabishment and had just arrived in town from a State House meeting with President Kenyatta. He categorically informed me of a list of five CSOs personalities including myself who will be eliminated one after the other.

The State appears determined to revenge and harm or intimidate anybody seen as critical or suspected to have played any role in the ICC cases.

1 comment:

  1. KEN WAFULA is our hero. He speaks the truth going by the hacked emails. HE is fearless. Guy is awesome.


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