Tuesday 8 October 2013


A CORD  senator has called on the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to retire from politics and pave way for Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka to contest for presidency in 2017.
Taita Taveta Senator Dan Mwanzo said it was time for Mr Odinga to give a chance to Mr Musyoka to run for presidency.

He said ODM as a party should support the former vice president to be CORD’s flag bearer in the next general elections.

Mr Mwanzo was speaking at Kalembe Ndile's campaign trail at Makindu Grounds in Kibwezi when he made the remarks, which we can authoritatively confirm are already causing a jitters within ODM, Some ODM MPs were planning to hold a press conference this evening to respond to Sen. Mwanzo' remarks but did not go through with it for some reason.

This comes as young leaders within ODM  are pressuring and challenging the older generation to hand over the Reigns to younger people, How ODM will hold up, only the future can tell

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