Monday 9 June 2014


ICC Chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda
The International Criminal Court (ICC), Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, has warned Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) leaders against inciting Kenyans as they did in 2007.
Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of an ICC Annual Conference at The Hague, Netherlands, over the weekend, Bensouda said she is watching CORD rallies keenly and anyone who will incite Kenyans would be dealt with according to the law.
“I am following what is happening in Kenya and anyone who will incite Kenyans would be dealt with according to international law,” Bensouda said.
CORD leaders Kalonzo Musyoka, Raila Odinga and Moses Wetangula
 She also warned former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, against planning mass action that may culminate to chaos as those witnessed during 2007-08 after the disputed Presidential Election.
On the issue of Mungiki leader, Maina Njenga, Bensouda said Maina is not among the ICC witnesses who have been lined up to testify in two Kenyan cases.
Bensouda urged CORD leaders to use institutions mandated by the constitution to table their issues instead of resorting to mass action.
Meanwhile Machakos Town MP, Victor Munyaka and his Mwala counterpart, Vincent Musyoka, have appealed to Bensouda to take keen interest in what is happening in the country saying it was similar to the events that preceded the 2007 Post-Election Violence.