Friday 24 January 2014


President Uhuru Kenyatta and President Obama shake hands at the Nelson Mandela memorial

President Uhuru Kenyatta is among leaders said to be invited to the first US-Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington.

The White House announced on Tuesday that President Obama will hold the summit in August – with President Kenyatta said to be on the invitation list. The reported inclusion of the Kenyan head of state among 47 African leaders marks a decisive turn for the better in relations between the Obama and Kenyatta administrations.

Mr Obama’s former chief diplomat for Africa had warned in thinly veiled terms a year ago that Mr Kenyatta’s election would have negative “consequences” for ties between the two longstanding allies.

The US president then snubbed Kenya during his three-nation Africa tour in June and July.

President Kenyatta’s indictment by the International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity was acknowledged by the White House as the chief reason why Mr Obama skipped a visit to his father’s homeland.

The list of the heads of State invited explicitly excluded Sudan President Omar Al Bashir and Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe among others.

The invitation is seen as a way of Obama trying to thaw the recent Icy relationship between Nairobi and Washington  

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