ODM MPs Ken Obura and Dvid Ochieng at a past event |
Youthful ODM MPs have openly disagreed with party leader Raila Odinga, saying he picked his choice candidates to be on the Ballot box in the upcoming party elections
David Ochieng~ Ungenya, Ken Obura~Kisumu Central, Agostino Netto~ Ndiwa, David Osele,Kabondo, Dalmas Otieno have all been very vocal in criticizing the Party leader over preference.
Agostino Neto Oyugi MP-NDHIWA |
Even older Party members like Dalmas Otieno have joined the fray warning of creation of a second power base in Luo Nyanza after what they claimed is being "Side-Lined" by Raila
ODM Veteran: Dalmas Otieno |
Others who have shown discomfort in ODM are Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero and Railla's Cousin Jakoyo Midiwo.