Monday 30 September 2013


It is emerging that Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko might have slapped Nairobi Women Rep Rachel Shebesh after an alleged row at the Upscale Windsor Club

We are reliably informed that drinks took toll between the politicians and a heated argument arose. In the heat of the moment sonko is alleged to have slapped her claiming "unaleta nyenye", It Apparently turned into a full fight and and unconfimed reports indicate that Mrs Shebesh might be nursing severe injuries including a broken arm

This comes a few Weeks after the same lady was slapped by Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero. Where would the problem be lying,but a common denominator lays with Shebesh.

The incident was hurriedly discussed amongst the peers available and agreed not to be leaked to the media but as they say,there is no secret between two people

Friday 27 September 2013


Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were dismembered, had their eyes gouged out and were left hanging from hooks in the ceiling.
Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged.
Children were found dead in the food court fridges with knives still embedded in their bodies, it was claimed. 

Most of the defeated terrorists, meanwhile, were reportedly discovered ‘burnt to ashes’, set alight by the last extremist standing to try to protect their identities.
The horrifying details came yesterday as the first pictures emerged from within the wreckage of the building, showing piles of bodies left strewn across the floor.
A third of the mall was destroyed in the battle between terrorists and Kenyan troops. 

Lying in the rubble are feared to be the bodies of as many as 71 civilians who have been declared missing by the Kenyan Red Cross.
With detectives, including the FBI and the Metropolitan Police, still unable to reach the wrecked part of the mall for fear of setting off explosives, it could take up to a week to determine exactly who is still inside.

Yesterday, soldiers and doctors who were among the first people into the mall after it was reclaimed on Tuesday, spoke of the horrifying scenes inside.
‘You find people with hooks hanging from the roof,’ said one Kenyan doctor, who asked not to be named.
‘They removed eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood. 
‘They drive knives inside a child’s body.
'Actually if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped by pliers. Here it was pain.’
A soldier, who took pictures at a bread counter and at the ArtCaffe, said he was so traumatised by what he saw he has had to seek counselling.
Bomb disposal experts with sniffer dogs were yesterday painstakingly combing the part of the building still standing for explosives before clearing forensic officers, police and troops to search for bodies. 

Images also emerged yesterday revealing the true extent of the destruction caused to the centre during the four-day battle between Kenyan forces and Islamic militants.
The first pictures taken inside the site show a gaping hole in the mall's roof after three storeys collapsed when Kenyan soldiers fired rocket-propelled grenades inside the complex, knocking out a support column, a government official said.
Children's buggies are left abandoned just metres from the yawning pit, as cars hang precariously over the edge. Beneath many more vehicles lie on top of each other, smashed to pieces.
The collapse happened on Monday when government troops launched a massive assault on the mall where up to 150 people are thought to have been killed.
During the firefight, hostages reportedly had their throats slashed from ear to ear and were thrown screaming from third-floor balconies as the siege came to a bloody end. Forensics teams, still sifting through the mountains of rubble, fear many more bodies are yet to be found.
Shell-shocked Kenyan troops said the inside of the Israeli-run mall resembled a ‘scene from a horror movie’ with blood spattered everywhere and dead bodies strewn across the floor.

One soldier told the Daily Mirror: 'I have seen many bad things, but this will haunt me for the rest of my days.'
The main thrust of the operation began at 6am on Monday when troops and helicopters surrounded the building, but their efforts were hampered by an Al Shabaab sniper who managed to pin them back for nearly 24 hours.
As tear gas was used to try to flush him out, another terrorist reportedly blew himself up. It is believed the resulting fire may have killed dozens of shoppers in a supermarket. 
The following day, the soldiers were ordered to adopt a 'shoot to kill' policy and launched their final attack on the terror group on the roof of the mall at 5pm.
The mall was retaken about half an hour later.

Monday 23 September 2013


Samantha Lewthwaite or popularly known as the "WhiteWidow" I alleged to be the leading Al-Shabaab attackers on the Westgate Siege, She is believed to be the most wanted woman on the planet in the war on Terror
Meanwhile Authorities have confirmed arresting the Al Shabaab man who slipped out along with the hostages on Sunday, The Man was arrested at the JKIA as he tried to get a flight to Turkey  .


This are as outlined on which is ran by Al-Shabaab operatives, this are just some , we will update this post with more
1.Sayid N. from Kismayu, somalia

2.Zaki Juma c. from hargeisa, Somalia.

3.Said D,. from Syria.

4.Moohammed B. from Syria

5.Qasim Said m from Garissa, kenya.

6.Ismail G. from helsinki, Finland.

7.Amed Nasir s. from London, UK

8.Mustapha N. from Kansas, US.
9.Abdishakur Sheikh N , from Maine , US

10.Abdifatah Osman K. from minneapolis,US

11.Ahmad Mohamed I, from st.paul, US 12.Abdikarem Ali M. from Illinois, US

13.Shafie D. from Tuscom, US
14.Eliko M from dagestan Russia
15.Mohammed A. from Sweden

Saturday 21 September 2013


Kenya will for the first time not attend the United Nations General Assembly after President Uhuru Kenyatta cancelled a scheduled trip to New York to avert a constitutional crisis due to the ongoing cases at The Hague. A dispatch from State House last night also indicated president also summoned Kenya’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Macharia Kamau for further consultations.
The decision came hours after the envoy had, in a letter, known in diplomatic circles as note verbal, informed to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon that Kenya would not be represented at the High Level Week of the Sixty Eighth Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
“Whereas very important multilateral and bilateral meetings had been planned for President Kenyatta during the week, including a speech to the General Assembly, we very much regret that he cannot be out of the country at the same time as the Deputy President,” read the diplomatic message. However, the letter noted the President and his deputy have cooperated fully with the ICC thus far. “The Deputy President presented himself to the Hague court of his own free will and has submitted himself to the jurisdiction of the court.
Kenya expects the ICC to show the same level of cooperation thus demonstrated with a state party,” it said. In the Note Verbal, Kenya in- formed the UN Secretary-General that the political space for continuous cooperation was rapidly being eroded and the country was weary that the dire consequences of these developments seemed to be lost on the ICC interlocutors.

Friday 20 September 2013


Click on link below to view list
In a bid to eliminate competition for Raila Odinga in 2012 election, the Kenya Human Rights Commission under the watch of Hassan Omar Hassan and ICC mole Maina Kiai fabricated this list to remove the then portended strongest contenders for the top job Uhuru Kenyatta (Now President) and William Ruto (Now Deputy President) who were expected to run separately and remain enemies.

Trouble started when the ICC issue instead of dividing the two seemed to unite them and led them to clinching the Presidency under the Jubilee Umbrella beating Raila Odinga who this machinations were meant to favour


Deputy President William Ruto's Lawyer Karim Khan is said to have made Prosecution witness 536 (Grace Nyakeru Githuta) cry after putting her through a rigorous cross examination in a closed court hearing.

The witness is said to have broken down into tears after Karim Khan exposed massive lies and obvious coaching in the witnesses testimony . Miss Nyakeru is said to have broken down severally and the court had to take several breaks for her to calm down, At one point she said she was not comfortable with Mr. Khan Interrogating her as the prosecution pampered her and called her "brave"

Mr. Khan is an experienced international Lawyer and is also a member of the Queen's Counsel and is expected to expose massive anomalies and witness coaching on the part of the Prosecution